Junction City, KY is a hotbed of geocaching activity

Geocaching-logoGeocaching is the real-world treasure hunt that’s happening right now, all around you. There are 2,350,227 active geocaches and over 6 million geocachers worldwide.

There are several Geocaches in and around Junction City. They encompass the complete catalog of Geocache types and range from the Beginners Geocaches to much more complex challenges.

The website at Geocaching.com can help you get started. It has information on the various types of geocaches, maps, downloads and a search where you can enter a location and find the geocaches that are around you.

There is a Glossary of Terms, a History of Geocaching, and a Geocaching 101 video to get you started.

You can join the fun today. Just head over to the Geocaching website, or install the free Geocaching Intro App on your iOS or Android device and give it a try. You will get to see some places you’ve never seen before and have fun while you’re doing it.

And while you’re here, stop in at some of our local businesses and learn what Junction City has to offer.

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